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Thursday 25 January 2018

What are ‘skimming’, ‘scanning’, ‘note-taking’ and ‘transcribing’ in Reading skill?

Ans: Skimming :  The Skimming technique for quick and rapid reading is sometimes called “speed reading”. Skimming is made into utilization for reading very quickly to get the “gist” of a topic or an overview of the chapter/story/instructions/experiment/other. It is usually an initial reading but it leads to a more advanced and quick reading. When the reader find some information he required, he follows up with close reading. While for detailed information, the reader most likely makes notes. All this is done through skimming technique.
Scanning :  
The Scanning technique of reading is used where the reader is looking for specific answers to information. For this technique, the reader knows exactly what questions he wants answered, so he does read speedily. The eyes scan over the words/pages very quickly until the requisite information is eventually got. Then, rather like in a radar signal, the brain is alerted and focuses in on the details required information.
Note - Taking : 
For the purpose of summarizing, the notes-taking technique is made into use. Notes are in the reader’s own words, short, clear, in logical order and understandable. They are “mental prompts”, a sort of external memory-jogging technique. The key to good note making is to use as few words as possible. They are a short-cut to the brain. The act of making notes or summarizing makes one think. Notes are excellent preparation for examinations, where timing and quick recall of information is very important. They give a ready-made outline plan for exam questions- easier than trying to memorize the information from a book.
When making notes, bear in mind the following: 
 Leave wide margins, lots of white space and room for added ideas. You should be able to read the information easily and accurately.
 Use a double page of your copybook, one side for diagrams, mind- maps or visual cues, the other for linear written notes.
 Use also flow-charts, charts, diagrams, spider-grams, anything that works for you.
 It is pointless having brilliant notes and never being able to find them when you need them. Put the date on each set of notes, and file them in order under headings.
 Subject, Topic, Date, Other. You will be able to look them up quickly and revise the knowledge, whether in two weeks’ time, or two days before an examination.
Transcribing :The process basically is the Bypass of the Mind. Simply copying chunks from textbooks wastes time and effort. The principle is to make textbook knowledge your own knowledge rather than try and learn off someone else’s version. Copying is more a dictation exercise rather than a learning experience, in effect a “bypass of the mind” ot transcribing. It doesn’t improve the handwriting, rather it spoils handwriting. It also doesn’t do much for your thinking or learning process. In fact, it has very little value, other than it is a great excuse to avoid getting down to the real business of learning. While the transcribing process, stick to the “golden rule”: ALWAYS SUMMARISE IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
Effective Note - Taking Techniques
 Here are some effective Notes Taking pointers be devised:
✓ Use key words
✓ Use note cards
✓ Use pictures and diagrams
✓ Take notes in different colors
✓ Copy the material that is written on the board
✓ Use a three ring binder to stay organized
✓ Try not to use too many details within your notes
✓ Highlight important facts that one could see on the test .

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