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Thursday 25 January 2018

The Prologue to Canterbury Tales Short Ques

                                        The Prologue to Canterbury Tales
Short Ques Written By: Yasir Qadri

Who has written the prologue to Canterbury Tales?
Chaucer was a courtier, leading some to believe that he was mainly a court poet who wrote exclusively for nobility. The Canterbury Tales is generally thought to have been incomplete at the end of Chaucer's life. In the General Prologue, some 30 pilgrims are introduced.
Why was the Canterbury Tales written in English?
In the centuries following the Norman invasion, French was the language spoken by those in power. The Canterbury Tales was one of the first major works in literature written in English. Chaucer began the tales in 1387 and continued until his death in 1400.
How many tales did Chaucer write in The Canterbury Tales?
Chaucer planned the stories before he wrote them but he did not finish his plan. He planned that each character would tell four stories: two while going to Canterbury and two while returning to London. If Chaucer had finished, he would have written 120 stories. He only actually wrote 24.
Who is the Pardoner in the Pardoner's Tale?
Prologue to the Pardoner's Tale. After getting a drink, the Pardoner begins his Prologue. He tells the company about his occupation—a combination of itinerant preaching and selling promises of salvation. His sermon topic always remains the same: Radix malorum est Cupiditas, or “greed is the root of all evil.”
When were the Canterbury Tales written?
A tavern and on a pilgrimage from London to Canterbury, England in the late 14th century. Chaucer likely wrote The Canterbury Tales in the late 1380s and early 1390s, after his retirement from life as a civil servant, and this is when he sets the action.
How many battles did the knight fight?
fifteen mortal battles,A true perfect knight, chivalrous and a distinguished man.
Knight, In what kind of battles did he fight and how many?
Christian and hethan battles, fifteen mortal battles.
What is Chaucer known for?
Poet Geoffrey Chaucer was born circa 1340 in London, England. In 1357 he became a public servant to Countess Elizabeth of Ulster and continued in that capacity with the British court throughout his lifetime. The Canterbury Tales became his best known and most acclaimed work.
Who are the three rioters in the Pardoner's Tale?
Certainly, the three young men Geoffrey Chaucer refers to as "rioters" or "revelers" (depending on the translation) in "The Pardoner's Tale" are suffering from some serious character flaws. The two most obvious are greed and pride (arrogance), since those are the two that are most responsible for their deaths.
Name some important characters in ‘The Prologue’?
The important characters are the host, the village parson, the knight etc.
List the ecclesiastical characters in ‘The Prologue’?
The ecclesiastical characters are Prioress, nun, priest, Friar, monk, the village parson, the summoner and pardoner.
What are some of the places where the Knight has fought?
Knight has fought in Christendom and heathen lands, Alexandria, Prussia, Lithuania and Russia, Granada, Lyes, Attalia and Turkey.
What is the actual name of Prioress?
The actual name of Prioress is Madame Eglantine.
Do you like anything special in Chaucer’s description of the Prioress?
Chaucer specially described the manner of eating, her speaking in French and her forehead.
 How many husbands The Wife of Bath had?
She had five husbands at the church door, besides other company in her youth.
When the Parson asks allegorically, “if gold rust, what would the iron do?” what is he talking about?
Parson means the guide or the leader himself corrupted than what will be the common man do.
Pardoner sang an offertory.( the portion of the mass sung while the faithful present their offerings)
Why do the pilgrims go to the shrine of St. Beckett?
The pilgrims go to see the shrine of blessed martyr (St. Beckett) who helped them when they were sick.
Why did the assorted people stay at Tabard Inn?
They were pilgrims and by chance had fallen in fellowship. They wanted to ride to Canterbury.
Why are the showers of April sweet?
In Europe the month of April is pleasant and beginning of spring season. So, the poet says it the showers of April sweet.
Why is Chaucer called the father of English Poetry?
Chaucer was the first who had written poetry in English language. Before Chaucer there were different dialects but Chaucer used one and gave it worth and made it a language.
What is the role of the Pardoner?
A Pardoner is someone who travels about the countryside selling official church pardons. These were probably actual pieces of paper with a bishop's signature on them, entitling the bearer to forgiveness for their sins.
How many people are involved in the Canterbury Tales?
In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, 32 characters make the trip to Canterbury. 29 of these are mentioned in line 24 of the “General Prologue.” The narrator joins this group (making 30).
Why are all the pilgrims going to Canterbury?
Pilgrims traveled to visit the remains of Saint Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, who was murdered in 1170 by knights of King Henry II. Soon after his death, he became the most popular saint in England.
What is the moral of the story The Nun's Priest's Tale?
The fox tries to flatter the bird into coming down, but Chanticleer has learned his lesson. He tells the fox that flattery will work for him no more. The moral of the story, concludes the Nun's Priest, is never to trust a flatterer.
Where does the Canterbury Tales begin and end?
The action begins at a tavern just outside of London, circa 1390, where a group of pilgrims have gathered in preparation for their journey to visit the shrine of St. Thomas Becket in Canterbury. The narrator, Chaucer, encounters them there and becomes one of their company.
How did Beckett die?
Thomas Becket, the archbishop of Canterbury, was struck down by swords in the north transept of his own cathedral today as he stood by the altar of the Virgin Mary. His killers were four knights of the royal household, who rode here this afternoon and began a violent argument with the 52-year-old prelate ..
What is the moral of the story The Knight's Tale?
"The Knight's Tale" shows what happens when the rules of two different systems – chivalry and courtly love – come into conflict with one another. Palamon and Arcite have sworn a knightly oath to be loyal to one another, but they both fall in love with the same girl.
Who tells the first story in The Canterbury Tales?
As the party nears Canterbury, the Host demands a story from the Manciple, who tells of a white crow that can sing and talk. Finally, the Host turns to the last of the group, the Parson, and bids him to tell his tale. The Parson agrees and proceeds with a sermon. The Tales end with Chaucer's retraction.
What is the important about the fact that ‘The Prologue’ is set in the month of April?
In Europe the month of April is pleasant and beginning of spring season. Spring is symbol of the creation of new lives. So, “The Prologue” is set in the April.
What is Chaucer’s contribution to English Literature?
Chaucer found English a dialect and left it a language. He gave the new shape to verse and rise to drama. He is also called the grandfather of English novel.
Which dialect did Chaucer use for his poetry?
In Europe four prominent dialects were used Southern, Northern, Midland and Kentish but he used the East Midland dialect in his poetry.
What is the purpose of ‘The Prologue’?
“The Prologue” has dual purpose first to reveal the characters for story and second it is satire on the contemporary society of Chaucer.
What was the plan of Canterbury Tales?
The plan of Canterbury Tales is that everyone tells a story and who tells the best story a supper will give him paid by all the pilgrims.
By what devices does Chaucer reveal his characters?
Chaucer reveals his characters by general description, association, they show their nature in the recitation of their tales and by the comments of the host.
Why did the associated people stay at Tabard Inn?
They were pilgrims and by chance had fallen in fellowship. They wanted to ride to Canterbury.
How many times did the Wife of Bath marry for love?
The Wife of Bath's Prologue Theme of Marriage. The Wife of Bath's Prologue begins with a defense of serial marriage. The Wife of Bath, who has been married five times, launches her argument against those who might claim that a once-widowed woman ought to become a nun.
Who is the Summoner in the Canterbury Tales?
The summoner takes bribes, is ignorant and is a drunk. His gross moral nature is reflected by his vulgar outer appearance. In Chaucer's prologue he introduces the Summoner in a fit of rage against the friar. He then tells a tale of the Friar traveling through heaven with an angel, without seeing any friars.
Who is the plowman in the Canterbury Tales?
The Plowman is just as holy and virtuous as his brother the Parson. Living a simple life of hard labor, the Plowman has to do the dirtiest jobs of the medieval world, like load carts full of cow manure. Yet he never complains, for his labor is work he must do both for his fellow-Christians and for Christ.

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